Tuesday 9 September 2014

Pioneers and developers of animation

There have been many developers and pioneers for animation but these people have had the most influence with it.

Joseph Plateau 
 He started out as a Belgian physicist. He started out by studying at the University of Liege where he became a doctor and a mathematical scientist in 1829. His research was about the human eye and the way it work, he mainly focused on the rentia because it would let the eye see colour.
  Along with his sons Plateau introduced the Phenakistoscope in 1832, it was a spindle viewer. Being a famous pioneer he was inspired by Michael Faraday and Peter Mark Roget. The way that his invention worked was that it had two disks that spun in opposite directions and it was used to give the illusion of motion. The way that the two disks moved was that they were mounted on the same axis, the first disk had slots on it where as the seconds disk had images on it which had different actions on it. The way that the images were viewed was by spinning them and looked through the slots and it made it look like the images were moving.
  He was considered an influence because of him he started the whole moving animation.
  The places I got my information was from

William Horner
  Horner was a pioneer who started out as a British Mathematician who also published a mode of solving a numerical equation to any degree and this became known as the Horner degree. 
  He is another animation pioneer who is known for inventing the Zoetrope he called it the Deadalum which means the wheel of the Devil, he created it in 1834 and this device was just a mere improvement of Plateau's Pkenakistoscope but Horner's invention was forgotten about for around 30 years until the year 1867 when it was patented by M. Bradley in England also it was patented by an American who was called William F. Lincoln who renamed it as the Zoetrope. The way that it works was by having a large drum which had slots at the top and pictures around the base of it and when it was spun people looked through the slots and could see the images, it was just like Plateau's invention but with Plateau only one person could use it at a time where as Horner's invention menant that more than one person could use it. Also with Horner's invention the faster the drum was spun the clearer the images came out. 
   He was an influence because his invention it helped influence animators like Tim Burton and Aardman. 

Emile Reynaud
   Reynaud was born 1844 in France, Reynaud went into an apprenticeship in 1858 where his work was repairing, assembling and developing optical and physics instruments after this he went to Artige & Co., to learn industrial drawing, after this he went on to working as an operator at the portraitist Adam-Salomon where the work he did was photographic retouching.   

   Reynaud was a photographer, teacher and artist but he is known for inventing the Praxinoscope in 1876, also known for being the creator of the firsts animated cartoon, he was one of the pioneers of the cinema. As he continued with his development on the Praxinoscope to become the Praxinoscope-theatre and then carried on developing it so it became projection-Praxinoscope, the problem with these machines was that they could only reproduce a cyclical movement which had a limit of 12 frames. Then in 1888 he developed the Optical Theatre which was used to project short cartoons from October 1892- march 1900 and this was when animated cartoons were founded. The way his work was better than the first two pioneers was that he had lot of experience that he could transfer over to creating animation like his photography.
   Reynaud is considered influential because without him there would not be animated cartoons.
   I got my information from:

Eadweard Muybridge 
  He was an inventor, filmaker and a photographer from 1830-1904, he was from Kingston upon Thames. 
  What he was famous for was proving that when a horses run all four hooves were off the ground. The way that he got the photos of the horse running was by having a line of cameras and when the horse ran it triggered some shutters of the camera. From doing this experiment he invented the Zoopraxiscope which projected animated versions of his work in a short moving sequence which helped with the developments in the history of the cinema. In the 1850’s he was known as one of the most influential photographers of all time because of how he pushed the limits of the camera’s possibilities and by pushing the limits he created world famous images of animals and humans in motion. Muybridge made his own high speed electrical shutters and timer which would be used alongside a battery of twenty-four cameras.

He is considered an influence because with his photos our understanding and interpretation of the world has changed forever and because of how his photos should how detailed movement was it meant that in today’s world when companies makes animation it means that they can make the movement of the animated character even more detailed.
I got my information from:  

Thomas Edison
    He was born in 1847, he was as an inventor of major technology and he did this by setting up a lab in Menlo Par, in this lab some of the things that he invented was the electric light bulb, alkaline storage batteries, telegraph, phonograph and Kinetograph.
    Edison made the Kinetograph which was a box that a film could be seen through a peep hole at the top of the box and using a lens that can display pictures that would run at 46 frame per second because of this invention motion pictures started to become a successful entertainment industry in less than a decade.
  Edison is considered an influence because without him the modern day cinema would not be around and he helped the entertainment industry become a lot bigger than it was.
  His work was a bigger improvement than the others because his invention had more parts to it and also because he had already invented other things it meant that this could be more improved and more advanced.
  The places that I found my information was

Lumiere Brothers
 Louis and Auguste Lumiere were two French inventors and pioneer manufactures of photographic equipment.  They devised an early motion picture camera and projector which is called the Cinematographe, this is where the word cinema came from.
   When they saw Edison's invention they wanted to improve it, in 1895 the two brothers had made their own device which combined a camera with a printer and a projector which they called the Cinematographe, with their device it projected 16 frames per second which was a lot less than Edison's but because of this the clattering and grinding noise that was made by Edison's machine wasn't there. Their first screening happened in 1895 at an industrial meeting, the 'film' that was shown was workers leaving the Lumiere factory.
  The reason that they are an influence is that without them there would not be a modern day cinema and they helped improve the ideas of other peoples inventions to make one good invention.
   where I got my information from was:

The way that these 6 people had an big influence on animation was that it started out with one simple invention made by Plateu which was the Phenakistoscope and from then on they have been other people who have been developing it in their own way.  So between 1829 to 1895 a lot of things happened to go from the Phenakistoscope to the Cinematographe. 


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